Monday, June 20, 2011

Subway Car - Work in progress

So my girlfriend managed to get a hold of one of the blank "All City Style" NY subway car models for me  while back.

So far I've just painted & done the weathering on it - next is to do some graff...
Click to enlarge...

Safe House Studio

So I'm pretty pleased to be a part of Safe House Studio.
I'll update with the studio's exhibitions, blog & website as it comes together so stay tuned for some big things in the future. most of the things I post from here on will have been produced at the studio.

Obviously I copied the logo for my watermark.

New Wall

Haven't done a decent wall for a while.

Gonna be doin a whole lotta cursive script styles.
Photo's by Penny McGregor - Click to enlarge
Charo by KELT

Another Deck

This time one of MINE!!!
Its available at Lo-Life Skateboards, Shop 1 & 2 Campbell
Arcade, Degraves St Subway, Melbourne

Click to enlarge...


Been missing a while...
Up & at 'em again, here's a few small pieces.

Photo's by Penny McGregor - Click to enlarge.

8x8" + 8x10" + 8x8" Aerosol & Acrylic

4x12" Acrylic

8x10" Acrylic

8x10" Acrylic

8x8" Aerosol & Acrylic

8x10" Acrylic